Wilson Shook LMT, CMT


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Mid-Summer Update :: Winter Garden Healing Arts

Dear friends in healing,

It has been a few months since my last update. Here's what's new with my practice!

Online scheduling at wilsonshook.com/schedule. Book your next appointment now!

Continuing Visceral Studies

Last month I attended a course with one of my teachers, Dr. Gail Wetzler. Gail is a physical therapist based in Colorado and is one of the foremost developers and teachers of Visceral Manipulation in the United States. I've had the pleasure of studying under her for the past three years, and have seen my work develop tremendously. In this course, titled Listening Techniques II, I learned a handful of new and interesting techniques for manual evaluation, as well as some exciting treatment options for working with the endocrine (hormonal) system, the cranial nerves, the skull and brain, the diaphragm, and more. I have been integrating these techniques into my practice, with encouraging results, and look forward to sharpening my skill further.

Next month, I am looking forward to another course--this time with my teacher Dr. Ron Mariotti in Seattle. We will be studying advanced visceral components of the neck and thorax, and I expect to sharpen my understanding of this complex anatomy, as well as bring back some new techniques for treatment. Ron is an extremely thorough and enthusiastic teacher, and is the author of Naturopathic Approach to Visceral Manipulation. I'm glad to be back learning with him again.

Where to find me:

I am offering sessions in Santa Monica Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Saturdays and Sundays may be booked through my website--for Mondays please contact me directly to check for availability, as this changes week to week.

I see clients in Atwater Village Sundays and Mondays, as well. You may schedule these sessions through my website. I may be adding an additional day at this location, so stay tuned for that.

I offer in-home and on-site treatment seven days a week. I'm always happy to come to you where you are. You may schedule these sessions through my website. If you haven't had in-home or on-site treatment before and you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Please visit wilsonshook.com/schedule to book your next visit. I have a few openings still for this week and next.

Thank you, as always, for allowing me to accompany you on your healing journey. Sending you warm wishes,

Wilson Shook

Wilson Shook